In the name of Allah the most Beneficent the Merciful
All praise be to Allah Who is the one and only God , He on Whom we depend ,He begets not , nor is He begoten , and none is like Him .
Islam , the last revealation from Allah is based on five pillars that form the basic foundation of Islam :-
1- Shahadah, astatement professing monotheism by bestifying that there is no God worthy of worshiping but Allah and Mohammad ( peace be upon him ) is the messenger of Allah .
2- Salat (Prayers), a muslim prays five times aday at certain set time for each prayer . While praying amuslim stand before his creator thanking Him and asking Him for forgiveness and guidance .
3- Zakat , it is paying charity on accumulate wealth and is paid by the rich to the poor.
4-Sawm (Fasting), It is withholding from eating , drinking, and sexual activities from sun up to sun down and is done for the whole month of Ramadan . Fasting is obligatory on every muslim who is of age and physically able to fast
5- Hajj (Pilgremage) , It is visiting thi holy city of Mecca and performing the rituals of Hajj, Hajj is obligatory on every able (physically and financially) and should be done at least once in a life time .
The similarties between Islam and Christianity are vast but one major differance is the way we believe in Jesus . Muslims believe in Jesus as a messenger from Allah ( not as the son of God ) and the Holy Quran states that He was created from dirt as Adam was ,Allah created Adam without amale or female , Eve from amale without female , and created Jesus from afemale without amale , The rest of humanity were created , from amale and female and were made into different races and tribes to meet and live together in peace.
This is abrief summary of the Islamic faith and is meant to educate and promote understanding , May Allah accept and lead us to the righteous path .
الأحد، فبراير 14، 2010
الاثنين، فبراير 01، 2010
Monitors Blog Archive ▼ 2010 (1) ▼ January (1) Unification Who Am I Arafat Ali View my complete profile January 31, 2010 Unification When God created Adam and live here the earth was all people on the pure monotheism which there is no god but God to exist, but only after prolonged time on the human made another god with God and prayed to God unjustly sent them apostles, missionaries ever warning that there is no god but God, it is seen that the certificate was bound to to heaven, and my father was doomed to martyrdom to the fire and was the last of the Apostles, Muhammad peace be upon him, he called the people all of the testimony, "there is no god but Allah Muhammad is the Messenger of God" of the safest of them embraced Islam and kufr, and then came the era of the Righteous Caliphs Mahdists in their time appeared Task teams of the most dangerous to Islam and Muslims, blah mankind, namely, by the "outsiders" who have gone astray from the concept of "No God but Allah Muhammad is the Messenger of God" Vdicoa concept of "no rule only to God" and did not distinguish between the status of governance, which is one of the attributes of Allaah Almighty and involving some of his creation, with the difference between the status rule is to God "is not nothing like Him" and the fact that a person paying capacity and governance act, but divinity recipe did not Iwtha any of God's creation, but the uniqueness and demonstrated by the Koran in Girma position because if he were a god with God was Altmana between them and to each other. Thanks Posted by Arafat Ali at 02:55 م
The truth of monotheism "One God" Monitors Blog Archive ▼ 2010 (1) ▼ January (1) Unification Who Am I Arafat Ali View my complete profile January 31, 2010 Unification When God created Adam and live here the earth was all people on the pure monotheism which there is no god but God to exist, but only after prolonged time on the human made another god with God and prayed to God unjustly sent them apostles, missionaries ever warning that there is no god but God, it is seen that the certificate was bound to to heaven, and my father was doomed to martyrdom to the fire and was the last of the Apostles, Muhammad peace be upon him, he called the people all of the testimony, "there is no god but Allah Muhammad is the Messenger of God" of the safest of them embraced Islam and kufr, and then came the era of the Righteous Caliphs Mahdists in their time appeared Task teams of the most dangerous to Islam and Muslims, blah mankind, namely, by the "outsiders" who have gone astray from the concept of "No God but Allah Muhammad is the Messenger of God" Vdicoa concept of "no rule only to God" and did not distinguish between the status of governance, which is one of the attributes of Allaah Almighty and involving some of his creation, with the difference between the status rule is to God "is not nothing like Him" and the fact that a person paying capacity and governance act, but divinity recipe did not Iwtha any of God's creation, but the uniqueness and demonstrated by the Koran in Girma position because if he were a god with God was Altmana between them and to each other. Thanks
I Arafat Ali View my complete profile January 31, 2010 Unification When God created Adam and live here the earth was all people on the pure monotheism which there is no god but God to exist, but only after prolonged time on the human made another god with God and prayed to God unjustly sent them apostles, missionaries ever warning that there is no god but God, it is seen that the certificate was bound to to heaven, and my father was doomed to martyrdom to the fire and was the last of the Apostles, Muhammad peace be upon him, he called the people all of the testimony, "there is no god but Allah Muhammad is the Messenger of God" of the safest of them embraced Islam and kufr, and then came the era of the Righteous Caliphs Mahdists in their time appeared Task teams of the most dangerous to Islam and Muslims, blah mankind, namely, by the "outsiders" who have gone astray from the concept of "No God but Allah Muhammad is the Messenger of God" Vdicoa concept of "no rule only to God" and did not distinguish between the status of governance, which is one of the attributes of Allaah Almighty and involving some of his creation, with the difference between the status rule is to God "is not nothing like Him" and the fact that a person paying capacity and governance act, but divinity recipe did not Iwtha any of God's creation, but the uniqueness and demonstrated by the Koran in Girma position because if he were a god with God was Altmana between them and to each other. Thanks" name=gtrans>
ساهم بترجمة أفضل:
I Arafat Ali View my complete profile January 31, 2010 Unification When God created Adam and live here the earth was all people on the pure monotheism which there is no god but God to exist, but only after prolonged time on the human made another god with God and prayed to God unjustly sent them apostles, missionaries ever warning that there is no god but God, it is seen that the certificate was bound to to heaven, and my father was doomed to martyrdom to the fire and was the last of the Apostles, Muhammad peace be upon him, he called the people all of the testimony, "there is no god but Allah Muhammad is the Messenger of God" of the safest of them embraced Islam and kufr, and then came the era of the Righteous Caliphs Mahdists in their time appeared Task teams of the most dangerous to Islam and Muslims, blah mankind, namely, by the "outsiders" who have gone astray from the concept of "No God but Allah Muhammad is the Messenger of God" Vdicoa concept of "no rule only to God" and did not distinguish between the status of governance, which is one of the attributes of Allaah Almighty and involving some of his creation, with the difference between the status rule is to God "is not nothing like Him" and the fact that a person paying capacity and governance act, but divinity recipe did not Iwtha any of God's creation, but the uniqueness and demonstrated by the Koran in Girma position because if he were a god with God was Altmana between them and to each other. Thanks" name=gtrans>
ساهم بترجمة أفضل:
The truth of monotheism "One God" Monitors Blog Archive ▼ 2010 (3) ▼ February (2) The truth of monotheism "One God": Who are the outsiders 1 Who are the outsiders 1 ◄ January (1) Unification Who Am I Arafat Ali Arafat View my complete profile 01 فبراير, 2010 Who are the outsiders 1 In the name of God the Merciful As outsiders in their conviction Turquoise Abadi in his valuable book dictionary Pacific, said: "They are all from the reigns of an old, this is in terms of language but in terms of legitimacy are those who disbelieve what is not a kaafir and see what is not a sin, guilt and atonement, all are unanimous in the race - the sultan - and do not see the authority of the Muslim authority, but their power, they say I will start offering their ideas and let the reader compare what he reads and sees and hears them in the modern world, but before you start I will put forward their ideas in the types of: Type I: - The power disbelieves and communities, since communities are not in the religion of God, but in the religion of power which they are governed. Type II: - disbelieve the power of all categories of societies without Type III: - disbelieve in power and his prime minister and detail those who are without them, But now I shall put the ideas and the most important assets, and after that I will present their thoughts on the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of His Prophet and explain to the esteemed readers how they strayed from the straight path ignorance of the texts of the great revelation .1 1 - Combination of the name of Islam and faith so that they can atone denied him the street name of a faith. 2 - copy all the user claim violates their prejudices and their claim of consensus on what they see as a fad years 3 - their claim that the difference Murad wrote a chapter in the street to promote the misguided head 4 - violating the concept of "what me and my friends" where they understand the doctrine of Sahaba not commit ourselves to only the Koran. Follow
من هم الخوارج 1
- بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الخوارج باللغة كما عرفهم الفيروز آبادي في كتابه القيم القاموس المحيط فقال : هم كل من يسود من غير قديم ، هذا من ناحية اللغة أما من الناحية الشرعية فهم الذين يكفرون بما ليس بكفر ويرون ما ليس بذنب ذنبا وكلهم مجمعون على تكفير جنس - السلطان - ولا يرون لسلطة سلطانا إلا سلطتهم المسلمة علي حد زعمهم
وسأبدأ بطرح أفكارهم وأدع القارئ يقارن بين ما يقرأه وبين يراه ويسمعه منهم في عصرنا الحاضر ولكن قبل البدء في طرح أفكارهم سأبين أنواعهم :
النوع الأول :- من يكفر السلطة والمجتمعات لأن هذه المجتمعات ليست في دين الله بل في دين السلطة التي تحكمهم ।
النوع الثاني :- يكفرون السلطة بجميع فئاتها دون المجتمعات
النوع الثالث :- يكفرون رأس السلطة ورئيس حكومته و التفصيل فيمن هم دونهم
أما الآن فسأطرح أفكارهم وأهم أصولهم و من بعدها سأعرض أفكارهم على كتاب الله وسنة نبيه وأبين للقارئ الكريم كيف أنهم ضلوا عن سواء السبيل بجهلهم بنصوص الوحي العظيم ।१
1 - الجمع بين مسمي الإسلام و الإيمان حتي يتسني لهم تكفير من نفي عنه الشارع مسمي الإيمان ।
2 - ادعاؤهم نسخ كل دليل يخالف أهواءهم وادعاءهم الإجماع علي ما يرونه سنة وهو بدعة
3 - ادعاءهم اختلاف الأفهام في مراد الشارع ترويجا لضلال رؤوسهم
4 - مخالفتهم مفهوم " ما أنا عليه وأصحابي " حيث قالوا فهم الصحابة مذهب ولا نلتزم إلا القرآن । يتبع
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